The Story of Creology
Hi! My name is Lauren. Let me tell you a little about Creology and how it came to be :)
How it Began
Embroidering was my pandemic hobby. I bought my first single needle embroidery machine in June of 2021 and opened my first shop on Etsy in September of that year. At the time I was working in clincial drug research (my undergraduate degree is in biology), and would spend my evenings and weekends working on my shop and embroidering anything I could find.
In June of 2022 I started to take my Etsy shop and corresponding social media much more serious. This is all because I had an epiphany while sailing in Croatia: I loved traveling. Therefore, I needed to find a way to make enough money so that I could do it more. Maybe I could do that through my new favorite hobby...
Big Improvements
Through the years (and the power of social media) I was lucky enough to be able to quit my corporate job and do something I really loved full time (embroidering, obviously). I managed to upgrade my "office" from a card table in the corner of my bedroom to a wooden table in the basement, and I've now upgraded to the home office (very luxurious). I've also managed to upgrade my first single needle machine to two commercial 8 and 15 needle machines called Peanut and Ladybug (pictured).
Where I'm Headed
Coincidentally, I work a lot more and have a lot less time to travel now, but work feels like play and technically I can travel whenever I want and for however long I like. I hope to combine my love for travel, photography, and embroidery in the future :)
The name Creology comes from the latin words Creo and Ology. "Creo" meaning "to create", and the suffix "-ology" meaning "the study of".
Put together, Creology means:
The Study of Creation.
Modeled after the word biology (the study of living things). A simple nod to the degree I never really used.
Trying to keep the world beautiful.
I'd like to explore as many places on earth as possible before I die, so the environment is extremely important to me. I try to keep my negative impact to a minimum.
I use recycled, reusable, and compostable mailing supplies, and use sustainably sourced and eco friendly blanks when I can.
As I grow I hope to implement many more changes to positively impact our beautiful planet.